To our clients and students,
Thank you for your ongoing support of our business over the last three years. We have grown tremendously since 2018 and look back on our evolution fondly. We appreciate every appointment booked, referral given, and class taken which has resulted in a beautiful, supportive, healthier community.
In order to keep up with rising utility costs, continue to pay our yoga teachers the fair wage they are worth, and reflect the investment we have made in ongoing professional education that allows us to provide you the best care we can, you will notice an increase in fees effective February 20, 2022.
Updated pricing will be as follows:
30 minute massage - $40
45 minute massage - $60
60 minute massage - $75
75 minute massage - $90
90 minute massage - $105
120 minute massage - $140
60 minute couples massage - $160
75 minute couples massage - $190
90 minute couples massage - $210
30 minute private yoga session - $40
60 minute private yoga session - $65
Drop-In - $18
5 Classes/Month Membership - $70
Unlimited Monthly Membership - $85
Seasonal Unlimited Membership - $235
Thank you for your understanding and continued support. See you at the studio!
In gratitude and service,
Kat, Aaron + the Mudita Team